Lorraine Stroud, LPN, CCRC, Director

For an appointment, call (602) 274-7195

Provider's Name: Lorraine Stroud, LPN, CCRC, Director

Specialty: Research Nurse

Location: Phoenix Office

 • Education: Southwestern Medical Society Academy
 • Medical Assistant, 1982
 • Metro Tech Vocational Institute of Phoenix
 • Licensed Practical Nurse, 1995
 • College Pursuant to BSN
 • Entered the Field of Clinical Research in 1998

Specialty Certifications:
 • Certified Clinical Research Coordinator – ACRP (Association of Clinical Research
 • NIH Certification (National Institutes of Health Office of Extramural Research) 
 • CITI Certification in Human Research (Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative)

Role at Arizona Pulmonary Specialists:
 • Director of Clinical Research; Phoenix location
 • Coordination of multiple studies in varied therapeutic indications, patient care and
    education, budgets, contracts, feasibility and finances

Professional Interest: Diseases of the Chest

Personal Interest:  Completion of BSN, Skiing, Travel, Family
